New Listing Exchange

By mktadm

MarketCash was listed on exchange in Litecoin, Binance Coin and USDC coin pares.

Meet MarketChat, the new application from MarketCash.

By mktadm

At the beginning of 2019, the MarketCash project was reformulated with the help of its community, having the objective of developing a messaging application integrated with other resources. The development was started from scratch and the whole code is unique and exclusive, this was the main reason why it took months to reach the initial…

Transfer of the MarketCash Project to MDinvest

By mktadm

After a few years under the competent management of Rafael Nascimento in February 2019, the Market Cash project is now managed by the MDInvest team, an organization focused on the development of web applications and systems in BlockChain and integrated into the Information Technology subdivision of the company WG Alimentos e Tecnologia Ltda. With the…