What is MarketCash and its goal?

The MarketCash project was initially launched with light goals, our cryptocurrency took a long time and hampered our development. After a redesign of our project, we decided to migrate our cryptocurrency to Waves blockchain network, stable and without the cryptonote protocol problems. In addition, we have also entered the mobile world. Our goal is to have a platform with several solutions integrated.

MarketCash is a utility cryptocurrency designed to make sending and receiving money quick and easy for people. The project was conceived and started in Q1 of 2018, through Rafael Nascimento, founder and current CEO.

Through MarketCash, an application called MarketChat has been developed, messenger that allows people to send instant messages between them securely. This app has many features that make life easier for users and integrate with our MarketCash (MKT) token.

Technical details

NameSymbolTotal SupplyDecimal PlacesBlockchainType
MarketCashMKT100,000,000 (100M)8WavesToken